Thursday, 17 July 2008

An introduction


Yes, I have decided its time for the world to be introduced to the random mumblings of moi! But lets get to know each other first shall we?

Well I'm Ruth, I'm 31 years young and am engaged to my wonderful partner Paul - ok so we have been engaged for nearly 8 years and STILL havent got round to doing the deed. We will, honest! We live in Kettering Northants although I am a Dublin lass born and raised. I moved over here nearly 13 years ago on a whim, fully expecting to return home after I had got bored. Thing is, I never did so here I am!

We have three little cherubs. My first son, Kieron who is 5.5 years old. He is just finishing his first year at school and it turns out he is a bit of a genius. God only know how that happened, I would cry foul and demand a DNA test if it werent for the fact that he a) looks like me and b) has the same double ankle bone as me.

My daughter Aleisha has just turned 4 and acts like she is 34, definitely wise beyond her years! She is starting school in September and I dont think the teachers will know what will have hit them. They wont be teaching her, she'll be teaching him!

And then we have my little Prince, Alex who lit up our lives on the 11th March 2008. He is the most chilled out, giggly baby I have ever met. And after the pregnancy I had with him, he shouldve been demanding prozac the moment he started crowning! Again no idea how I managed to birth a wonderful child - perhaps I should make a career of it!

We also have three unnamed Degus who are just the funniest creatures EVUR!

So thats me, hopefully I'll actually remember to keep blogging this time!

Over and out,

Ruth x


MotherOnTheEdge said...

Ooh wonderful. (nice blog skin by the way!)

MotherOnTheEdge said...

:D Should have introduced myself properly! It's fluff :D

Foofur said...

lolol I figured that out after reading your blog! Hey honey!

Silly arse that I am, jesus you wouldnt believe how thick I am these days.

Remember I told you I registered for that site you linked me too? Well I was starting to get worried as I hadnt had my app approved. So I emailed the mod asking what happened. Then of course I realised that I was supposed to email her my username and she would approve me, so of course I had to email her again.

She must think I'm a right thicko!