It is with deep regret that I must inform you that Mr Degu Degu, formerly of the Brazilian plains, passed away on the 30th July 2008 aged just 16 months. His passing was peaceful and he is survived by his brothers, Mr Degu Degu 2 and Mr Degu Degu 3.
Yes, alas, one of our Degus has gone to that great cage in the sky. K & A usually feed them all the leftover salad from dinner and last night this was met with a shriek of "mummy, daddy one of the Degus is deaded!". We went over and indeedy he was "deaded". Its dead, thats whats wrong with it. Its stone dead. Definitely deceased. It is an Ex-Degu!
I'm actually surprisingly upset about it. I love the smelly Degus, they make me laugh and I had rescued the third one from living a life alone and now its dead! :o( Not sure what happened, I think he fell off his platform as the other two are healthy.
It did, however, ignite the whole "death" conversation with the kids. Then of course it moved on to Grandma and aunty Nelly (Noelle). I, personally thought my explanation of death and heaven was fab until Aleisha asked me if Grandma had a car and if so why didnt she come and visit us. Oh dear! Back to the drawing board again!
Have made all the arrangements now for Alexs Christening in Dublin now, yay! Ok I tell a lie, my dad has made all the arrangements as I couldnt organise a piss up in a brewery. So I am now officially ISO a sling/wrap that I can use on the day if anyone knows of one.
Alex is officially a beefcake - he's 15lb 10oz now! I really must stop eating chocolate! He's managing to sit up on his own for a few seconds and he is still the most chilled out baby alive bless him. Could I possibly love him any more?
Aleisha is still a bowsie. Her favourite song at the moment is "shut up and let me go" by the Ting Tings and its hilarious when she sings it bless her. However in the middle of Tescos when all the Auld Biddies are doing the shopping its not quite as hilarious as I do get some disapproving looks!
Kieron has decided he wants to be a bingo caller when he's a grown up. Oh yes, I'm raising ambitious children. No, I couldnt possibly have kids that want to be Lawyers or Doctors and look after me in my old age, but a BINGO CALLER? fgs, whateevr makes him happy I suppose. He's loves it though bless him and I now spend my days with the echos of "two fat ladies" and "two little ducks" ringing through my ears. Oh yeah, and thanks Argos for stocking the noisiest bingo game.....EVER!
Nice that its cooler today as I got burnt to a crisp round J's house yesterday. Just when I was bragging about how I only ever burn on my nose. Well done Ruth, you twat!
Cheerio folks!
Pan-fried Bacon Wrapped Tofu
9 years ago